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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday Oct. 13th

  I just love this month! It's so fun to think of new ideas for my kiddos lunches everyday, but there's just something about making Halloween inspired lunches that I extra fun. I have so many cute ideas in my head that when it comes to making their lunches I get a little overwhelmed:) I decided to make a list of things that I want to try out for this month and today was one of them...
Z's lunch has homemade whole wheat pasta, homemade meatballs and homemade sauce sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. Some cheese stick fingers with olive nails. Bottom has jicama ghosts, mini nutter butters,  raspberries, and a jack o' lantern made out of sliced mandarin orange slices.

I have to remember that he is only in kindergarten and has a shorter lunch break. It also doesn't help that he eats like a birdy, so I try to make his portions smaller and try to include a lot of finger foods. I was going to make him some meatball kabobs with sauce to dip but today he insisted on having pasta too.

Alaysia's is the same with more pasta, and she also has a small tub of yogurt in the far left corner.